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How can Businesses Keep a Healthy Culture in Unhealthy Times?

An organization’s culture can be defined as a collection of expectations and norms that determine how a group behaves. A healthy, well-adjusted culture can be difficult to foster even without a global pandemic going on. When you add in the current realities of the workplace (and the world) today, it makes a healthy culture even more important. If you boil it down, businesses are just trying to maintain productivity and profitability. To do this, you need to retain both great customers and great employees. So much of that will come much easier when your overall culture is on point. Here are some ways to help you create, maintain and foster a healthy culture in unhealthy times for your business: 

Keep Organizational Clarity in the limelight:

  • Everyone likes to feel a sense of purpose. By knowing the role you play in the big picture accomplishes that.
  • Clearly define to employees what your businesses goals are and how you plan to reach those goals.
  • Have a thoughtfully planned onboarding process for new employees. First impressions are everything. 

Exercise some fun

  • Bringing in Treats. You can take turns buying or making them.
  • Bring in lunch for staff.
  • Allow Dress up days. Some examples are Twins jersey Day, Vikings jerseys Day, Falcon apparel Day. Also, dressing up for Halloween can make the day so much more fun! 
  • Have employees submit to one person answers to a certain question (ex. Favorite Movie, One thing you are thankful for, What famous person do you follow on social media), gather those answers and submit them on a Friday to all staff in a fun collage.
  • Casual Friday’s are always fun.

Maintain clear and constant communication:

  • Make sure you are communicating clearly and effectively with staff. Employees like to know what is going on, especially when you have employees working from home. 
  • Make sure the people working from home feel included with the rest of your team.  Encourage them all to stay in touch with each other.

Practice recognition, appreciation and understanding:

  • Have a weekly staff award for the employee that goes above and beyond that week. Pass around a traveling trophy to show this recognition.
  • Write a note of encouragement to a team member/coworker.
  • Highlight a team member for a week in a general area where all can see. Include information on their family, hobbies, etc. Have team members write what they appreciate about the person on the board.
  • Encourage positive attitudes, for example saying thank you, and helping whenever needed.
  • Be flexible with employees as we all have a lot going on in many areas of our lives. 
  • Allow employees to work from home if possible.

These are just a few ideas to help you uphold a healthy culture in your business during these unprecedented times.  Challenging times does not necessarily build character (or culture) it reveals it! This is a defining moment for your organization, be an advocate, a champion, and a cultivator of strong culture.


Kendra Berger

SVP of Mortgage Banking 

NMLS #422207       


Falcon NMLS #402625